We work with great people and industry leaders.
Our exceptional teams make significant changes.
Be a part of the change

Applying to MAZAJ
You are unique. For that reason, every interview at MAZAJ is slightly different. We’re here to help. That is why we present the recruitment process and some tips on preparing and what to expect so that you do not feel surprised.
Let us know how unique you are. Our HR specialists will verify your CV and contact you if they find it suitable.
It is a great opportunity to stand out from the crowd. We will invite you for a phone or video interview to find your background, motivations, and personality.
center interview
An HR conversation with MAZAJ professionals. We check your cultural and professional fit to our organization.
At this stage, we use retrospective and parallel thinking methods to evaluate your technical capabilities. We check your creativity, strength and ambition.
Decision and
We carefully analyze all the information we’ve gathered from you and choose whether you are a match with our company. Be sure that no matter the decision, you will always get feedback from us.
How to succeed at the interview
Tune your resume
Align your experience and skills with the job description, be precise and keep it short.
Be yourself
Dress comfortably, feel relaxed and don’t be afraid to ask for feedback.
Be mindful of time
Punctuality is the virtue of life so let’s respect each other. Arrive on time.
Think positive
Nobody likes a complainer, so don’t let negative experiences take over you.
Consider your story
You had failures and successes but we are interested in what conclusions you draw.
Ask questions
Be prepared with questions for us. We are more than happy to answer to them.
Inside MAZAJ life
Work the way you like

Flexible schedules
Set the start and finish times or work more hours over fewer days
Remote work
Work remotely outside of the traditional office environment
Professional and personal growth
Enjoy coaching, mentoring and a well-planned career path
Ongoing education
Access to courses, certifications, and interns programs
Master apprenticeship
We are looking for exceptional people from different academic backgrounds. Whether studying or completing your undergraduate, graduate or postgraduate studies, a career at MAZAJ is an excellent opportunity to use your talents and knowledge.
Professional skills
Develop your skills during technical workshops.
Connect with a mentor from day one in the program.
Work together
Collaborate with our senior leaders who share your passion.
Individual curriculum
Use the program to expand your practical knowledge.
Our values
defines us
Customer development
- Improve the customers’ ability for continuous improvement
- Introduce innovations supported by science and practice
- Build long, stable, and trusting relationships
Highest standards
- Provide the highest ethical and professional standards
- Think big about the holistic impact
- Manage customer and company resources effectively
Excellent environment
- Support mutual development through feedback and mentoring
- Respect different perspectives with interest and regard
- Pursue a high level of commitment
Explore our culture
Find how we commit to our people, clients and communities
Diversity and Inclusion
We respect individuals and their right to be unique.
We make choices based on what matters and help those in need.
We contribute to saving our planet, caring about what and how we do.
and Safety
We are on friendly terms with modern ergonomics.
and Privacy
We protect the privacy and assets of our employees and customers.
Practice what’s best
Design Thinking, Lean, Agile and DevOps set our standards.