Business Conduct Guidelines

The Business Conduct Guidelines are MAZAJ’s code and roadmap. They result from the MAZAJ core values because we believe in people and principles.
We are proud they shape our interactions with clients, business partners, suppliers, team members and communities. Our commitment makes us a unique and enduring company, and the Business Conduct Guidelines support us to act with integrity.

MAZAJ maintains the highest standards in everything we do:

A cookie is a small piece of data that a website stores on your device when you visit. It typically contains information about the website itself, a unique identifier that allows the site to recognize your web browser when you return, additional data that serves the cookie’s purpose, and the lifespan of the cookie itself.

Cookies are used to enable certain features (e.g. logging in), track site usage (e.g. analytics), store your user settings (e.g. time zone, notification preferences), and to personalize your content (e.g. advertising, language).

Cookies set by the website you are visiting are usually referred to as first-party cookies. They typically only track your activity on that particular site.

Cookies set by other sites and companies (i.e. third parties) are called third-party cookies They can be used to track you on other websites that use the same third-party service.

Committed to compliance and integrity

Protecting employees, assets and assets belonging to others

Being honest, accurate and mindful

Acting, competing and treating others ethically

Complying with legal obligations and keep our promises

Respecting intellectual property rights

Separating personal and business interests

We take care of reinforcing the Business Conduct Guidelines. That means we regularly train on them, report misconduct proactively and deal with the breach fairly and understandably.